Fruit Custard


  • Apple - 1 small
  • Seedless rapes - handful
  • Any other fruits (exccept water melon)
  • Milk - 3 + 1/3 cups
  • Sugar - 7 tspn
  • Custard Powder (Vanilla flavor)- 4 tspn

  • Heat a pan and Boil 3 cups of milk .
  • With the other 1/3 cup of milk, add the custard powder and sugar and stir it to dissolve it in milk
  • Add the milk, custard, sugar mixture to the boiling milk
  • Once the milk boiled, remove from flame and let it cool.
  • Add the fruits to the custard mix proportionally.
  • You can Refrigerate it and store it for few days.
  • The above ingredeints serves 3 people

Note: Never add water melon to the fruit custard as it will make the custard more watery and spoils the taste


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